Collection Development Policy
The mission of the Douglas and Judith Krupp Library at Bryant University is to support the broader mission of the University as articulated in its mission statement: “Educate and inspire students to discover their passion and become innovative leaders with character around the world.” In support of achieving the University mission, the library collects materials and provides access to information resources which strongly promote and uphold student and faculty learning and research.
The purpose of this policy is to provide direction and planning for future growth of library collections as academic programs and degree offerings expand, new methods and formats of acquiring information become available, costs rise, and financial constraints are experienced.
The Douglas and Judith Krupp Library acknowledges and accepts the following statements from the American Library Association:
Intellectual Freedom Principles for Academic Libraries
Library Materials
Within the confines of its finances, the library strives to cultivate a utilized collection of materials. The following general collection development criteria are to be weighed and considered when acquiring materials:
- Support the curricular needs as presented in the University catalog and course syllabi
- Ensure the informational needs of students and members of the Bryant community
- Examine published reviews when available
- Evaluate the timeliness of publication
- Review the publication source
- Consider the credentials of the author(s) or editor(s)
- Cultivate the personal enrichment of students and members of the Bryant community (when fiscally able)
Krupp Library Statement on Diversity in the Collection
The Douglas & Judith Krupp library’s mission includes the intent to:
Cultivate a balanced, up-to date collection based on academic programs and reflective of diverse cultures and perspectives, as well as provide a safe, student-centered, user-friendly environment and intentionally inclusive online and physical space.1
The American Library Association Bill of Rights states:
Books and other library resources should be provided for the interest, information, and enlightenment of all people of the community the library serves. Materials should not be excluded because of the origin, background, or views of those contributing to their creation.2
The Bryant University Guiding Principles charge:
The campus is a place where high standards of civility are set and violations are challenged. Bryant University is a community whose members speak and listen carefully to each other.
Bryant University is committed to providing a safe, respectful, and supportive campus that emphasizes belonging, values different perspectives, and where all members of the community matter and can succeed.3
To this end the Krupp Library collects and makes accessible to the Bryant community books, films, magazines, data, and information of all types and commits to the idea that a “diverse collection should contain content by and about a wide array of people and cultures to authentically reflect a variety of ideas, information, stories, and experiences.”4
Print Books
Under the supervision of the Library Director, the responsibility for book selections resides with librarians, whom are all assigned subject specialty areas. Librarians utilize standard selection tools when evaluating library resources for purchase.
Input from faculty members regarding book purchases in their area of expertise is both welcomed and encouraged. Faculty suggestions may be submitted via a publisher’s flyer, in person request submittal(s), or via an e-mail to a member of library administrative staff.
General rules for material purchases:
- Duplicate copies/items will not be purchased
- Rare books are not collected or purchased
- The purchase of items greater than $200 each must be approved by the Library Director
- When an item is “out of print,” an order will be sent to an out-of- print vendor only if the item has been requested by a faculty member and/or the item is essential to a specific subject area. Regular orders deemed “out of print” will not be automatically sent to an out-of-print vendor;
- Replacement copies of lost, unreturned, or damaged items will be purchased if:
- The item is in demand
- Item has high circulation statistics
- There are current inquiries for the material from users
- The item is considered a classic or vital work in its subject area
Electronic Books
The library acquires ebooks through direct purchase, subscription, or PDA (Patron Driven Acquisitions). The criteria for purchasing ebooks is similar to that for print books. In the case of PDA users are selecting library materials from academic collections selected by librarians.
Subscriptions – Electronic Databases
Librarians continually evaluate databases to determine whether the purchase of a subscription to a particular database will add value to the library collection. Faculty may be consulted as needed. Factors contributing to a decision for or against purchasing a database include:
- Curricular value
- Number of classes the database will support
- Cost of the database
- Positive reviews/recommendations from Bryant faculty and/or professional reviewers
- Appropriateness of the content to the level of research conducted by undergraduate and graduate students
- Quality of the interface design- ensuring students and faculty are able to retrieve the information they are seeking from the database
- Frequency of updates
- Review of license agreement, including limitations on number of simultaneous users, etc.
In light of the needs of Bryant students and faculty and the monies available in the budget, all current database subscriptions will be evaluated annually to determine if a particular database is still the best database for the library collection. All database subscriptions, including those with associated annual costs, must be approved by the Library Director.
Subscriptions – Electronic Journals
Librarians will determine whether the purchase of a subscription to electronic journals will add value to the library collection. When considering purchasing subscriptions to electronic journals, review and take into consideration the general collection development criteria, in addition to the following factors:
- Bundled options are preferred
- Cost
- Duplication – if we have access to the title electronically, the print subscription is typically cancelled
All new electronic journal subscriptions, including those with associated annual costs, must be approved by the Library Director.
Subscriptions – Electronic Serials
Librarians will determine whether the purchase of a subscription to electronic serials will add value to the library collection. When considering purchasing subscriptions to electronic serials, review and take into consideration the general collection development criteria, in addition to the following factors:
- Price must be somewhat comparable to the hard copy/print version
- Consider the effects of expired access, as some subscriptions will not be perpetual, leaving a void in the collection
All new electronic serials subscriptions, including those with associated annual costs, must be approved by the Library Director.
Subscriptions – Print Journals
In order to cope with fiscal constraints, the library is reducing its collection of print journals, retaining only those titles that create a “popular” magazine collection.
Journal titles must meet general collection criteria:
- A new title will be added only if an older one (of a similar price) is eliminated (due to fiscal constraints)
- If access is already available electronically, the hardcopy/print edition will not be purchased
- Journals merely for faculty research cannot be purchased (due to fiscal constraints)
- Free subscriptions are added if they meet the general collection development criteria
Subscriptions – Print Serials
- Titles can be acquired if there is a need
- If item is available electronically, acquire in this format if fiscally able *(for irregular print serials consider the effects of purchasing an electronic subscription that will expire after a year and leave a void in the collection)
To ensure fiscal responsibility, all print serials, especially standing orders, will be evaluated annually to ensure their demand and usage justifies their cost. All new print serial subscriptions, including those with associated annual costs, must be approved by the Library Director.
The library is not adding any additional microfilm to its collection, but is maintaining those items already in place.
Videos/DVDs/Streaming Media
Videos, CDs and DVDs within the Douglas and Judith Krupp Library collection are all available for circulation. Streaming media titles, including a PDA collection are also available electronically to current Bryant students, faculty and staff.
- Media requests $200 or greater require the approval of the Director of Library Services.
- Entertainment videos/DVDs are generally not purchased due to budgetary restraints.
Audio Cassettes
All audio cassettes within the Douglas and Judith Krupp Library collection are all available for circulation. The library is not currently adding any additional audiocassettes to its collection.
The Archives play an essential role in documenting and preserving Bryant University’s history. Bryant students and alumni make frequent use of the archives, confirming the fact that the collection plays an essential public relations’ role for the University. Items of historical interest to the history of the University are collected, and donations/artifacts relating to Bryant’s past and present are accepted.
Special Collections
Budgetary restraints prohibit the library from collecting resources for special collections, for example historical items on the history of business or business education. Items currently in special collections have been acquired from donors, or some items have become “special” since the time of their purchase, i.e. first editions, autographed editions, etc. Should the library acquire a special-collection gift, it will be determined at that point if additional funding is appropriate required to build on the acquired collection.
The Douglas and Judith Krupp Library accepts unsolicited gifts of library materials. A preliminary analysis will be done beforehand to determine the appropriateness of the materials for the library collection and to determine if those same items are already in our library’s collection. Once a gift is accepted, the actual inclusion of all gift items in the collection is determined by a librarian and item(s) in question must meet the same set of criteria that is used in the acquisition of purchased materials. As a rule, duplicate materials, examination copies, outdated editions, and items in poor physical condition are not added to the collection. Gifts that are not added to the collection are given away, or discarded.
Gift items that are added to the collection include a staff note regarding the gift in the item record.
Donations of library materials are funneled through the Library Director’s Office so that they can be acknowledged and recorded appropriately. All gifts, no matter how small, will be reported to Bryant’s Advancement Office. Larger or monetary gifts must come through the University’s Advancement Office.
The library does not assess the value of donated items either before or after their acquisition. It is the responsibility of the donor to acquire such an appraisal if it is so desired for tax purposes or mere curiosity.
Other Freely Available Information Sources
Librarians will locate, review, and promote credible academic, government, and commercial web sites useful to the research needs of the Bryant community. Selected sites are posted on the Research and Instruction Services section of the library web page under the Research Guides by Subject option. Criteria for selecting a particular Web site for posting and promoting include:
- Author of the site (i.e., the author has appropriate credentials to write on the subject)
- Sponsor of the site (i.e., is there any possibility of biased information because of the sponsor’s relationship to the information posted on the site)
- Quality and scope of information
- Timeliness of information
- Site design and its effectiveness in helping patrons locate and retrieve needed information
The research and instruction librarians will attempt to find additional professional reviews of the particular Web sites they recommend. The research and instruction librarians review and revise links to web sites on an ongoing basis to ensure obsolete links are deleted and that valuable new sites are linked and available to Bryant patrons.
Revision of this Collection Development Policy
The library administrative staff will review the Collection Development Policy annually and make appropriate revisions as needed.
Audio Cassette: See Media.
Book: A set of written, printed, or blank pages fastened along one side and encased between protective covers.
CD-ROM (Compact Disk Read Only Memory): An index or reference work that is stored on a compact disc and accessed through a computer.
Database: A collection of information stored in an electronic format that can be searched by a computer.
DVD: See Media.
Ebook: A book requiring an electronic device such as a computer, tablet or e reader for reading, searching and access.
Electronic Resource: See Database.
Journal: A publication, issued on a regular basis, which contains scholarly published research such as articles, papers, research reports, or technical reports. (See also Periodicals.)
Magazine: A publication, issued on a regular basis, containing popular articles, written and illustrated in a less technical manner than articles found in a journal.
Media: In libraries, the term is used to describe non-print and print materials such as video, DVD, audio, and music.
Microforms: A reduced-sized photographic reproduction of printed information on reel-to-reel film (microfilm) film cards (microfiche), or opaque pages that can be read with a microform reader/printer.
PDA (Patron driven acquisitions): a preselected collection of materials from which a library user may access on an as needed basis. The content is then billed to library. Access terms and licenses may vary.
Periodicals: Material published regularly such as magazines, journals, and newspapers. (See also serial.)
Reference: 1. A service that provides assistance to users seeking information. 2. Sometimes refers to reference collections, such as encyclopedias, indexes, databases, handbooks, directories, etc.
Serial: A library term for periodicals that refers more to hard-bound print publications such as annuals and directories, and which are filed with either the reference or circulation collections but not with print journal collections.
Videotape: See Media.
Definitions Sources
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